Well tried it out yesterday at the range and it seemed to work! I love the feeling when all of a sudden you feel like you've acheived another fundamental understanding of your swing and it seems like everything you hit is better. Well yesterday it felt like I gained 10 to 20 yards on every drive. Irons to Driver. The wind also helped which was uncharacteristically at my back. So that augmented the sensation of enlightenment.
Now I feel like I can really get way more lag and release which is now allowing me to be more arched in the C position at impact instead of upright.
I'll go back after work and hit another bucket to see if it's still there. If it's like it normally is it will be but won't be as incredible as the first time.
Thoughts on setup:
- feet shoulder width
- club angle just slightly resting on heel
- back straight chin tucked in
- stance like you're a middle linebacker (got that from somewhere)
- arms straight down and relaxed
Thoughts during backswing:
- wide backswing
- quiet wrists
- stay on swingplane
- adjust path inside out or outside in depending on if I'm slicing or pulling
Thoughts at top of backswing:
- point clubface to the sky
- start with pushing hips toward target
Thoughts during downswing:
- keep wrists closed and cocked for more lag
- push hips towards target
Thoughts at impact:
- push ball
- extend arms through impact to maintain triangle
- try to have nice C position
Thoughts after impact:
- keep extending!
Thoughts at finish:
- keep nice balanced position facing target
- watch how ball lands to see what the spin was