Stumbled upon Stack and Tilt a few weeks ago and had to try it out. Well it worked as advertised for a few sessions and the last time I tried it I got all confused and it stopped working. But it has done one really good thing for me in that it taught me how to hit down on the ball and to know what if feels like to hit the ball correctly. So I think I'm back to my old swing but with s&t influence.
I don't need to worry about my hands being closed at the top of my backswing. I get a really nice draw now and even hook too much. The slice is completely gone.
I keep my weight on my front foot and move even more weight through impact. This makes a lot of sense to me now and the ball flies a lot lower and further now. On my approaches I get more backspin since I'm hitting down on the ball.
My driver was awesome for about two sessions and then it completely went to hell. I still don't know what's going on but it's keeping me from playing on a long course. I even had to stick with my 5 wood off the tee that's how bad my swing is right now. The irons are ok and wedges are getting pretty good. I can hit off grass without hitting fat now thanks to s&t.