My swing is slowly coming together piece by piece.
- Chicken wings are gone! This was mainly a rhythm problem and not a try to keep your arms straight problem. Shorter backswing and then really accelerate after impact cured this.
- Spine angle getting better. My head is still coming up at impact but bending knees through impact helps get my hips out of the way so I can bend my spine sideways.
- Casting. Lag is getting better because of better rhythm. Starting to really feel the whip and acceleration of the club.
Then I watched more videos of Tiger and Angel Cabrerra and all the other pros swings and they all had a right hand turned over and released after impact. Mine wasn't as released. So this is the next piece of the puzzle that I'm working on.
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Right hand cupped | Right hand more turned over, arms straight, shoulders not hunched |
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This just looks ugly | Finally starting to look like a real follow through |
My shoulders are more inclined so that means that my spine angle is conserved. Wrists are fully crossed. It's amazing how just a slight change can make the swing look correct or completely lame. Best part about this is that ball flight was also good nice high slight draw.
Current swing thought to get swing grooved:
- Swing with the legs, relaxing arms try to feel acceleration and whip with rotating hips and lagging arms, quiet wrists.
- then introduce head and side bend at impact
- then introduce release with crossing wrists after impact
Don't forget on backswing to keep hands low and wrists quiet.
I'm slowly bringing this swing home. Feels really good to finally have something that looks correct. The only way I could have gotten here was with lots of video and experimentation, and of course lessons when I get stuck.
Next thing to work on is lag. Research to do: getting right elbow tucked in more, which will hopefully also allow me to maintain my spine angle.