Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Neck Pain

Took a break from golf after vacation in Hawaii.  Only payed a couple of times there.  When I came back I didn't pick up a club for a month.  It was a nice break and I was able to do a lot of stuff around the house.  It felt like I was free from prison.  I went back to hit and didn't miss it one bit.  Just didn't feel like working on my swing.  But in the last month I've gotten back into it and once again completely changed my swing.  This time the change was after looking at my swing and got sick of seeing my swing path being outside in.  So I really concentrated on getting more inside out which helped.  The other thing I really had to work on was my head since my neck started really hurting again.  I had to retrain my body to let my head fall.  Sometime it works but my bad habit of pulling up and not maintaining my spine angle keeps coming back and my neck hurts.

And the other big change is after studying Ben Hogan's swing and then something that Bradley Hughes said.  It's about your right hand facing up at the top of the backswing.  Again really working on my right elbow and getting it in front of my body and not to the side.