Friday, January 31, 2014

Wide Narrow Wide

Saw a fascinating video the other day

For the first time it explained how laying off the club helps close the face. It's physics proved by simulation. I love golf research instead of golf instruction based on ideas or methodologies. So I started working again on laying off the club and wondering how to do that. Then I got back onto Bradley Hughes and how he talked about starting the club upright on the backswing helps to create a loop that then helps layoff the club at the top at the transition. Martin Ayers kinda gets into this too with his power move.

Anyway I've tried doing this "transition" move before and really struggled with it as it just felt like I was trying to whip the club and I had no control over the club. This time just thinking about it differently and introducing a wide-narrow-wide into the loop and it made more sense or felt more natural. Then while also hitting I saw this guy who really bombs it from the back and he has that wide-narrow-wide move as well and you can just see how it concentrates all the power into impact. He looked like a baseball hitter on his follow through.

I'm also wondering if this will affect my timing and help with my right elbow problem?

Well here's the proof of the change which you can see with Skypro really easily.

You can really see how it's just two very different swings.
It's also done several other things all at once:

  • I'm getting that "crunching" and shifting forward on the transition that I noticed all the good players have and throughout the years I've tried to imitate by really shifting my weight to the left or sticking out my left hip. These techniques made the swing look a little better but still not quite right. Now it just looks right.
  • I have a head drop on the downswing now which all the good players have. And I'm doing this without even thinking about it.

So I would consider wide-narrow-wide one of the simple fundamental things to include in a swing to make it correct. The hard part was finding a swing thought or image to make it feel natural. I showed it to my son who was already doing it a little bit but is now doing it more and he said it definitely changed his ball flight and gave him more power. So this is staying in the bag. Here's an after video.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Lag and Power

I brushed off the Skypro the other day since I saw that they had put up Natalie Gulbis' swing. I compared her swing to mine and one thing that really stood out to me as a difference was the wide-narrow-wide in her swing and how mine was basically getting to be narrow-narrow-narrow. I've also been using the swing speed radar to see if there are any changes to speed with the different swing changes that I'm making. Well I was at the range and had three different swings that each hit the ball ok but with different ball flights. One was my current swing, one was really concentrating on rotating through the ball and trying to keep my right elbow bent before impact, and one was going back to the Bradley Hughes swing which I somehow got away from. This last swing gave me the highest swing speed and is probably the most correct one but I didn't have my camera so I couldn't verify!! But after thinking about the swing and looking at pro swings I think it's correct. I don't know how I drifted away from this swing.

It goes back to trying to get more lag speed in my swing. I need to go wide-narrow-wide and find the slot. Then just groove this swing except this time incorporating the other moves that I've since learned such as swinging under plane. Also I'm thinking that before when I was learning this swing I tried to keep my right elbow off my hip like Jim Furyk but this time I'll try to get it more in my belly. I'm hoping this will also help with the right elbow being bent by changing the timing of my swing. Another thing to try differently this time is being flat with this swing like Ben Hogan, last time I was real upright.