Friday, March 9, 2012

Swing 5.6: End of major operations. Turning the hips

Like a war I want to finally declare that I'm at the end of all major operations with my swing and now at least it's not embarassing.  The before and after from this summer is amazing.  Here's a list of things that I've corrected and what swing thought or tool in the toolbox was used:

Starting with the takeaway and going till the end.

  1. Arms too bend on takeaway - keep arms straight and think of them as one unit.
  2. Club too high - take away more around body
  3. Reverse C and club way past parallel at top - shorter backswing and keep wrists almost stiff
  4. Downswing starts with arms and shoulder - turn hard with legs and hips, try to have left hip touch back of right shoulder, let arms lag
  5. Left wrist cupped - layoff club
  6. Standing up - bend over at waist
  7. Hands too far away from body - keep hands close to hips
  8. Rhythm fast to slow - think slow on downswing then fast
  9. Hips square at impact - think of hips facing target at impact
  10. Left wrist breaking down at impact - lead with back of left hand like swinging with legs together
  11. Hands in center of body and extended at impact - keep right elbow tucked into stomach
  12. Left side at impact not aligned - don't lean so far left instead turn around body
  13. Chicken wing - keep left arm glued to left side.  Used bicycle inner tube around arms to keep triangle and arms as one and keep arms straight
  14. Hands too low at finish - still a problem and need to correct

I'm sure there's more stuff and now the problem is going to be regression once start playing on the course and not just working on my swing.

The final and last piece was getting my hips to turn.  But I finally did it.  I have to feel like my hips are facing the target at impact while bending laterally over the ball.  Even when looking at the video my hips are barely turned but more correct.  Left side is aligned and ball flies good.  Still need to work on maintaining spine angle.

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