Monday, August 20, 2012

Tool: Laying off the club (part 2)

One thing I love doing is filming my swing in slowmo and then compare it frame by frame to the pros swings.  It gives me lots of ideas of places where there are obvious differences and then I can work on those things.  So I was looking at my driver down the line compared to Adam Scott.  One thing I noticed was that he has the club layed off (so looking at his right hand and wrist) at the top, bottom, and even at impact.
Right wrist not laid offLaid off at top

Right wrist still straightThis is the frame that really captures it for me.  Right wrist bent back.

Still straight!!Even at impact you can see his wrist is bent back.

So one feeling I remind myself of is trying to get in the position right when the club is parallel to the ground to have my right wrist bent back.  This gives me way more lag and whip.  Just try to have the feeling of being laid off the entire swing and grip the club more in the fingers.

There are other differences I see mainly the distance from my hands to my hips.  And also how extended I am at impact compared to Scott.  But I'll address this in another post.  One tool at a time!

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