One thing that's been bothering me for quite a while with my swing is that my right elbow straightens out at impact. I guess it's a debate whether it should be straight or not. Sean Foley says yes, Hogan say bent, but most pros are bent and then extend after impact. There's not a lot of videos on this topic but I did find a couple of them like this one from
Mike Pederson. He's answered a question I had about what to do with my right elbow during the downswing. He says to keep in front of your right hip. I'm not that flexible so keeping my right elbow down at the top is not natural I have to stretch this and also stretch my wrist back like I'm holding a tray. So after concentrating on this here's the difference at the top of the backswing.
Setup |
Right elbow more tucked in at top |
Then while I'm coming down I really try to stick my right elbow into my gut in front of my right hip bone and then rotate the hips. This does several things. It makes me hunch over more to get my elbow in there and thus makes me stick out my butt more. Also by keeping the right elbow tucked in the shaft angle changes on the downswing and is more laid off (less steep).
More hunched over, rounded back and less steep into ball |
I know that's incredibly difficult to see the difference but when scrubbing video back and forth you can see the difference better. This then at impact keeps right elbow more bent, my back more rounded, and my butt more sticking out.
Impact: Butt stays out back more rounded, right elbow more bent! |
Even though I kinda like the before image position better. After impact you can see the spine angle is better conserved and butt closer to initial position.
After impact sping angle much better, not standing up! |
So I've made a break in the case after a long time trying different things and I'm going in the right direction. Here's the full video side by side. The differences are very subtle.
I'm also trying to swing more around my body to help with coming in too steep. I'll continue working in this direction and then try to incorporate the other tools like the Rory move. One thing I know for sure is that all the people that say you need to just naturally feel the swing and don't look at what they're doing on video are just wrong. At least in my case. My swing is so entirely different now than it was two years ago and it even feels completely different. The good news is that I've tried going back to my old swing habits and I can't. I've tried casting on purpose and not supinating and I just can't do it now so some changes are permanent. So you can change your swing for the better and break your natural tendencies!!
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