Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Being out in Front and Head and Neck

I was looking at some of Tiger's 2000 swings and really like it much more than his later swings. The rhythm is just so smooth and not so violent. The other thing I noticed is that he's so far out in front of the ball towards the target. I call it having your swing out in front of you. Especially the follow through. I've been trying to work on this as I have a tendency to hang back and not push forward. I've noticed especially with the driver that at and post impact I'm really shifting my weight backwards instead of forward. I wish I had one of those weight analysis plates. So I concentrated on the top of the downswing of shifting my weight forward and feeling like I'm falling on my left leg. Here's the before.

And the after

It looks more powerful and correct to me. So I'm glad I found a solution for that. Just need to groove it. The swing keys that I had for this swing was:

  • Impact with right elbow and hip stuck together as one unit.
  • Get into this position:

See how it looks like Rory's whole body is in front of where the ball was and towards the target. I think visualizing this position helps me get my right shoulder through the ball faster and not stuck.
Here's my position

You can see my head position is very different from his. For one his body is facing the target a lot more than mine. And his head is looking back over his shoulder. So the next thing to work on is my head position. I'm hoping this will also help with my chronic neck pain that I have on the left side of my neck.

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