Saturday, December 22, 2012

Tool: side by side video

When I run out of ideas for my swing I just fire up the computer pop on a recent video and then compare to the pros.  It instantly gives me several things to work on.  I just tried out a new free open source video comparison tool called Kinovea. It let me synch up my swing and the pros swing

Two obvious things that I see here.

  1. I'm coming in too steep.  This is the third time I'm writing about this.  This is really a fundamental fault in my swing DNA.
  2. I need to be more hunched over when getting towards impact.  I don't know how I'll work on this but I need to start getting a feeling for this.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Well one consequence of the last post on covering was that my rhythm has changed.  By sort of whipping my hands around via whipping my shoulders around, what I call doing the "Rory thing", has made my swing take on a whole other quality.  Ever see someone at the range and they seem like they're swinging in slow motion but their ball just flies (yes usually these are the super good guys).  You can just stand their watching them swing after swing and it's a thing of beauty and marvel.  In the pros it's Ernie Els and even Rory who everyone tries to copy.  We'll I've often wondered how this works and I think that now I'm starting to be one of those guys.  How do I know?  Well here's some video below.  And also recently I've had three unsolicited comments in the last month about how nice my swing is.  One guy even came up to me and said how much he admired my rhythm and that he doesn't see it very often at the practice range and that I made his whole session!  Totally unsolicited.  Wow.  So I'm on to something here.