Friday, March 14, 2014

Pulling the Chain

I'm subscribed to myswingevolution and watched this video the other day. I tried it and got it pretty fast. And it felt powerful and fast. I verified that with swing speed radar without a ball that I picked up about 5-6 mph on all my swings so this translates to about a club. I tried it out on the range and for about half a session it felt like crack cocaine. At first I was chicken winging it but the ball was going great. Then to fix the chicken wing I finally found a nice way to remember how to do this here. What's so great is that it's all in Korean but it just makes so much sense. Plus her swing is amazing. Then I got a little more whip and I got a couple that were just blazing. On video it looks correct but still hanging back so I'll have to work on that. Sergio even has this same problem. It feels natural in that I've always felt that for me the most powerful move was just pulling across my body and basically OTT slicing. And of what I was trying and learning was to combat this. So my swing didn't feel powerful. Well this move allows me to do the powerful and now come inside out. I'm still playing around with it but I'm definitely in the "honeymoon" phase and I'm hoping that this one will stay in the bag and not fade like all the other ones.

Here's a before and after of swing speed.