Friday, December 26, 2014

Impact Position Drill

I'm subscribed to several Youtube channels about golf and I've been following Kelvin Miyahira. This video is pretty cool talking about impact position drills.

Here's my version of this drill.

and in slow motion

and from down the line in slow motion

As you can see my impact position is pretty good. Hands infront, left wrist supinated, right elbow bent, left leg almost straight, head down. The follow through looks pretty good as well the chicken wing is gone!

So I would do a bunch of these to try and train my body to feel the impact position. It's way more bent and stretched out than if you just swing. I'm also trying to get my hips really open and turned toward the target. It's a great drill.

What this has done is allowed me to hit high draws which I've never really been able to do since my hips are cleared I can come more inside out. However, I'm topping a lot. But the balls are going straighter.

I'm having a hell of a time trying to groove this swing and get good contact so I am trying to do a hybrid where I have that feeling of keeping my left arm really straight on the backswing and go chin to chin with my shoulders which gives me good contact but the ball goes all over the place with my new impact position:  hips open, right elbow on hip, and lots of lateral bend. I'll have to work on this more.

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