Friday, January 2, 2015

Major Milestone: Right Elbow Redux

Giant day. I've been trying to do this for 3 years. Getting the right elbow bent and on my hip at impact!

I've been slowly coming closer and closer. I've even got the concept of dipping down after impact a la Natalie Gulbis. But today was just amazing. I finally got the impact position that I've been dreaming of forever. How did I do it? Well before I went to the range I looked at some Keegan Bradley videos like this.

and then also Dustin Johnson

and even Bubba

The one thing I noticed is that the really dig in their right (or in Bubba's case left) elbow into their gut and then turn their hips at the same time till their hips are practically facing the target at impact. I've been able to do  this in practice swings but never with a full swing. So one thing that I did was do it in slow motion and then at a half speed to try to get the feeling of the positions. Here's my first try really concentrating on getting my elbow in my gut.

Holy crap that worked! Again another completely different feeling from other golf swings. My head felt like it was turned on my side on the pillow while I was hitting. And the ball actually went OK. I kept going with it and really just had to work on digging the elbow and turning the hips. 

Down the line.
Face on

And before and after side by side

What a difference in swings. Before is choppy and still releasing a tad early. After is just digging in the elbow and turning.

I consider this a gigantic step in understanding the swing and something that eludes most amateurs even some really good ones. The feeling I was trying to get at impact was with my body turned toward the target and completely bent over to the side. I'm going to really have to groove this thing as it does not feel natural at all. And then I'll have to slowly ramp up the speed which will be hard as it will probably throw my timing off. Balls were going pretty straight and that was evidenced from the DTL view as my club face staying stable through impact which is one of the reasons for having the bent elbow at impact so you release later. The hardest part for me was getting that external rotation on the right arm and holding it!

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