Monday, January 12, 2015

Driver Setup Experiments

In trying to relearn how to hit driver I was looking at Dustin Johnson's swing. He gets in positions that I'm really trying hard to get into but I don't think I have enough shoulder flexibility mainly left shoulder across my body and right shoulder external rotation. So I did an experiment with hitting without the ball to see what position my body could get into without the ball and I saw that the club face was squaring up once it got past my left foot. So what I did was moved the ball up on a higher tee and way in front of my left foot then I turned my hips toward the target and got into impact position. I then went through the impact drill to try and hit balls like this to memorize the feeling and position.

Then I started to hit at 100 % because with the ball so far up I felt like I wasn't going to get stuck and I could really get behind the ball like in a baseball swing. The balls went basically straight and where I was aiming for. I haven't done this in a while as I have just been fighting a big slice for the last few months and have to really concentrate on certain swing keys and not swinging hard just to get the ball in the fairway. Well it felt nice to be able to look at a target and swing at it without too many swing thoughts and have the ball go towards the target. So this setup allows me to get in a better impact position. I'll have to play with this some more.

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